Basic information about the institution

State Institution «State Energy and Gas Supervisory» was created in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated February 28, 2019 No. 92 «On the establishment of the institution» by order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus dated March 5, 2019 No. 69 «On the establishment of the state institution «State Energy and Gas Supervision».

The founder and the republican government body for the Institution is the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus.

Official name

1. full name in Russian:

государственное учреждение «Государственный энергетический и газовый надзор»;

2. short name in Russian:


3. full name in Belarusian:

дзяржаўная ўстанова «Дзяржаўны энергетычны i газавы нагляд»;

4. short name in Belarusian:


5. full name in English:

state institution «State energy and gas supervisory»;

6. short name in English:

State energy and gas supervisory.

Information about tasks and functions

The main tasks of State Energy and Gas Supervisory:

arrangement and supervision of the technical condition of power plants, compliance with mandatory requirements for their commissioning, reconstruction and overhaul, as well as measures to ensure safety and reliability during their operation and maintenance;

arrangement and supervision of the technical condition of gas equipment used in everyday life, as well as supervision of the adoption of safety measures when using gas in everyday life.

State Energy and Gas Supervisory in accordance with the main tasks performs the following functions:

supervision of compliance of:

- requirements for the technical condition and system, technical operation and safety during the operation of power plants, including stationary autonomous energy sources;

- requirements for the technical condition and system, technical operation of gas-powered equipment in everyday life and safety systems for its operation;

- requirements for the quality of electric and thermal energy provided by law and (or) energy supply contracts;

carries out the arrangement and implementation of measures to ensure reliable energy supply to consumers;

carries out consideration of project documentation in terms of electricity and heat supply for compliance with safety requirements and operational reliability;

takes part within the competence in the work of the commissions, including:

- to assign (confirm) the electrical safety group to electrical personnel, to control the personnel operating heating systems and heating networks to know the requirements for the system, technical operation and safety during the operation of power plants, in the amount of requirements for the position (profession);

- to control the compliance with the conditions of readiness for work of power plants, including power plants of heat supply systems in autumn and winter;

- to investigate technological violations in the operation of energy facilities;

issues compliance of the facility accepted for operation to permits and design documentation developed and approved taking into account the requirements established by the legislation for its development and approval, including safety and operational reliability requirements, upon acceptance of facilities and works supervised by the state energy and gas supervision body;

carries our supervision of the timely inspection and cleaning of engineering systems that ensure safety during the operation of gas equipment in houses, in terms of the availability of relevant acts of the specified activity;

monitors the timing of maintenance and repair of gas-using equipment in everyday life and internal gas pipelines;

carries out inspection of electrical units connected to electric networks; heating plants and heating networks connected to heating networks and give conclusions about the possibility (impossibility) of their commissioning;

participates in special investigations of industrial accidents related to the operation of power plants at supervised facilities;

collects, accumulates and analyzes information on accidents subject to special investigation, accidents at supervised facilities, takes measures to prevent them;

carries out information activity on prevention of accident and injury in power plants, as well as in the operation of gas-powered equipment in everyday life;

within its competence, participates in the development and, in the established manner, submits drafts of regulatory and technical regulatory legal acts on the activities of the state energy and gas supervision body to the authorized body;

singly or in collaboration with other state bodies and organizations carrying out control (supervisory) activities, carries out, within its competence, the functions of identifying and suppressing administrative offenses;

arranges and carries out, within its competence, proceedings on administrative offenses;

considers, in the established manner, appeals of legal entities and individuals, including individual entrepreneurs, on issues within the competence of the state energy and gas supervision body;

renders paid services to legal entities and individuals, including individual entrepreneurs;

performs other functions.

State Energy and Gas Supervisory includes the management office and six branches: